After an aspiring filmmaker is bullied on a hike, she goes missing, and her frienemies must search the woods to find her.
A FILM THAT EXPLORES HOW We USE alienatION of others tO affiRm OUR sameness and ensurE OuR place in the pack.
RUN TIME: 10:22
Written and Directed by: Diana Densmore
Director of Photography: Kristin Franklin
Score by: David Philips
Sound Design by: Texture House Sound and Visuals
Produced by: Diana Densmore, David Stelzmuller, and Solana Campbell
Starring: Trista Mosier, Diamond McDonald, Avery Kopf, Kimberly Michelle Vaughn, Dana Rochelle, Joy Khalil
I’VE BEEN all of these girls in different situations, the bully, THE bullied, the bystander.
And Still, at the end of the day, We never really know who we’re dealing with.
There’s not enough space for all the gratitude I have for the cast and crew of this film. After having taken almost five years off of being on set, to hang out with Octavia, move like three times, and figure out life back home in Michigan, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to make a film, but these people, Solana, Kristen, Latrell, the amazing cast, Trista, Diamond, Avery, Kimberly, Dana and Joy, my husband, David, my mother, Barbara, and all the families and parents of these gifted young women, and I can’t forget my girl, Dana, who made the casting happen - Tony form texture house who stepped in and saved the day when we need on set recording, and who worked with David Philips to create the incredible soundscape.
Everyone who braved the ridiculous cold weather, and waited so patiently for the screening and release, these people, you people, reminded me that the thing I love most about filmmaking is that my skills are the least of my worries.
Making a film takes a team of talented people. I’m not alone in the process and that is priceless. When I work with good people, people like you all, the journey becomes the reward, the doing the success, and the film the bonus prize. I couldn’t be prouder to have worked with each of you, and I hope you enjoy “Shondra on the Hike” as much as I do.
-Diana Densmore
Behind the scenes